Monday, January 4, 2010

Alisyn's Wonderland


The fall from the deserted fishing pier was no accident. It was the flight of escape from a castle tower. A young princess, in the form of a beautiful swan, burst her earthly bonds and flew to her captured love.

* * * * *
Alisyn was fast approaching forty but still had more in common with her twelve year old students than she did with the rest of the teachers. A long shelf in her bedroom guarded the dolls that were the images in the center of all her dreams. Alisyn took great care in dressing and posing the dolls. Prince Charming held a tiny glass slipper out to Cinderella's tiny foot. Snow White lay on a small bed in an eternal kiss with her prince.
Through the years, Alisyn had been all the fair maidens on her precious shelf. It didn't matter that the only one to see her in the costumes was her own not-so-magic mirror. The newest doll was Repunzal. She sat on the far end on the self with her hair hanging out of a cardboard window. It seemed to Alisyn that it was taking her own hair forever to grow. The doll had been on the shelf almost three years and Alisyn's hair was only a few inches past her waist.
One day, at the bustling castle where she taught, she saw a mysterious stranger. He was tall and handsome with dark hair and deep blue eyes. As she held out her hand to greet the stranger, she could picture her long gown flowing as she curtsied. "Good morning. I'm Alisyn."
"How ya doin'?" He was rough when he shook the outstretched hand. "I'm Dennis Mulroy. I'll be teachin' forth grade down the hall."
Dennis' eyes scanned over the woman in front of him. She was older. But, she dressed like a young girl. The look of trusting innocence in her eyes was the kind of look Dennis liked. Alisyn could be one of the girls in his class if she was younger. She was delectable and he could almost taste her sweetness.
"If you ever need anything," Alisyn could almost feel another curtsy. "I'm right here. My window, uh... I mean my door is always open."
Alisyn found every opportunity to run into Dennis, even though she wasn't sure if was lady-like. Dennis was the model of chivalry. He was constantly coming to the rescue of the maidens in his care. One time, while the students were outside at recess, Alisyn turned the corner to see Dennis on one knee whispering to a young girl.
"You know how much I care about you, don't you, Janet?" Dennis told the girl as he helped her tuck in her shirt.
"Yes, Mr. Mulroy."
Dennis stroked Janet's hair and touched her face. "You're a very good girl, Janet."
"Yes, Mr. Mulroy."
"Go on and play now. But don't forget what I told you." He kissed his fingers and pressed them to Janet's lips before he sent her on her way.
Janet turned her face away from Alisyn as she ran down the hall. The iron doors were heavy. Janet had a hard time pushing them open so she could get outside. As Alisyn watched the girl trying to leave, she thought about how kind Dennis was to take so much time out of his busy schedule to give a single child the help she needed.
When Alisyn turned back around Dennis was drinking from the water fountain.
"Hello, Dennis."
Dennis jumped and hit his head on the fountain. "Owe... dammit."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," Alisyn giggled.
"No, no. It's alright," he said rubbing his head. "What can I do for you?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my place for dinner tonight."
He looked at her and saw that look of innocence again. It was the same look Janet use to have. "I'd love to. What time?"
That night Alisyn's prince kissed her, and more. She had wanted to stop him. She thought she tried to stop him a couple of times. But he was so charming and so commanding at the same time. It was like he had cast a spell on her so she couldn't refuse him anything. And he took everything.
After that Dennis began finding opportunities to run into Alisyn. She didn't mind though. At least, she didn't think she minded. By the end of the school year, Dennis' opinions had become Alisyn's opinions. Unbeknownst to Alisyn, he had taken complete control over her. The spell Dennis had cast on Alisyn made her think that when he gave her an idea, it was her own idea.
On the last day of school, Dennis and Alisyn stood by the iron doors and watched the children as they spirited themselves away for the summer. Alisyn was surprised that many of the girls from Dennis' class didn't say good-bye. She thought that it was awfully inconsiderate of them. Especially considering all the special attention he showed them through the school year.
Dennis leaned towards Alisyn and asked, "Do you have any plans for the summer?"
"Not really. How about you?"
"Well, I did have an idea," he said. "But I'm not sure I'll be able to through with it."
Her curiosity was peaked. "Why not? What were you planning?"
"I was goin' to spend a few weeks in the islands, but..."
"But what?"
"I'm not likely to go on a honeymoon by myself."
She stared at him as his insinuation played in his head. When she realized whet he was saying, she got light headed. She felt as if she had been swept off her feet. "Are you asking me to marry you?"
"I'm certainly not proposin' to principal Gunthry. So, how about it? Does a honeymoon in the Caribbean sound like somethin' you're up for?"
"Oh, yes!" She threw her arms around him and knocked him back to the wall. Some passing students giggled when they saw two teachers kissing.
Eight weeks after the last day of school, a huge church near the beach was decorated with flowers and streamers. A crowd of people filled the church. The sky was bright blue and church bells were ringing out over the noise of the traffic.
The ceremony was elegant. The young priest's robust voice rang threw the high ceilings of the cathedral. The intricate hand carved pews and tall marble columns gave a glowing touch to Alisyn's visions of her prince's noble castle. It was a perfect story book wedding for a fair maiden and her handsome prince.
The walk back up the isle was like a parade in honor of a new queen. The white runner flowed out in front of Alisyn like a testament to her flawless love. She had just stepped off the last step when she was blinded by a flashing red light.
Alisyn was too stunned to move. "It can't be a dragon. Not here," she thought to herself.
All of the sudden, a group of black knights attacked. They rushed at Dennis with their weapons drawn.
A husky voice screamed over the crowd, "POLICE! Every body freeze!"
Three large police men tackled Dennis and were struggling to get his hands cuffed behind his back. One of the cops yelled, "Give it up you fat, ugly, bald-headed bastard."
Dennis was dragged down the alley on the side of the church to a waiting police van. Alisyn yelled for them to stop and tried to chase after them. A female officer stopped Alisyn and pulled her aside.
"Mrs. Mulroy, my name is officer McGuire." She was the first lady knight that Alisyn had ever seen. She was as tall as Dennis was, but not as wide in the shoulders. Her hands were large and she had a strong grip. Her dark hair barely touched her shoulders and hung in her face. Her armor kept her from looking like a real lady. "We need to talk."
Alisyn was on the verge of tears. "What's going on? Where are you taking Dennis?"
Officer McGuire took a deep breath. "Dennis Mulroy has a warrant out for his arrest."
The officer turned her eyes away and swallowed a lump in her throat. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this. I hated to break up the wedding."
"What's happening?" Alisyn was distraught.
"He's been implicated in the sexual abuse of several girls in his forth grade class."
"It's not true. It can't be." The first couple of tears began to run down Alisyn's cheek.
"I'm afraid it is," said the officer. "It's the exact same thing he was convicted for in Kansas City eleven years ago under the name of James Mulligan. Five years ago, he was released from prison. That's when he moved here. I'm sorry."
Alisyn started crying harder. "I never knew. He didn't tell me."
"He didn't tell his wife in Kansas City either," Officer McGuire said. She held out a card to Alisyn. "If you need help, or if you just want to talk, here's my number."
Alisyn ran from the dark knights and their dragons. The wind stole the delicate vale from her hair and she lost her slippers the way Cinderella did. Snow White's long run into exile led her to the long draw bridge of a forgotten castle. She ran across the wooden planks until she fell against the rail of the pier. When she looked out over the water, she was looking out of the window of Repunzal's tower.
Alisyn summoned all the magic within her and she turned into a beautiful white swan. She spread her wings and flew off to find her prince.
* * * * *
Two days later, a phone in a police station rang. "Hello, officer Mary McGuire speaking. How may I help you?"
"Hello, Officer McGuire, this is Det. Carbone, Miami P.D., homicide."
"What can I do for you, detective?"
"I've got a bit of a puzzle down here and I think you might be able to solve it for me." His rough voice had an accusing tone to it.
Mary McGuire leaned back in her chair and pushed her hair out of her face. "I'll do what I can. What's the problem?"
"We pulled a body out of the ocean this morning. It's a woman with long red hair. She was wearing a wedding dress. The medical examiner found your card tucked inside the dress. I'm thinking you might know who she is."

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